Do you have doubts? We hear you.

What is it and the disease phases

What is Lyme?

Lyme is an infectious disease contracted by a tick, mosquito, louse, or another infected insect bite. Although, the origin is anterior. No defined until 1975 after investigating the high number of cases of rheumatoid arthritis in children in Old Lyme, United States.

Investigators concluded that the infection was contracted through the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitted by a tick ixodes bite. Since then, we have learned much more about this complex disease. Nevertheless, the investigation doesn´t advance at the speed the disease does; Lyme is the first disease transmitted by a vector in the United States. Its incidence in Europe is growing.

There is unanimity considering that tick proliferation is related to climate change: Soft temperatures enlarge the reproduction periods of this arthropod. The bird migrations transfer it through Europe as they have never done before.

The human being lives in an increasingly toxic environment. It is full of chemicals, radiation, and constant overcharges to the immune system, leading to a less efficient defensive system, facilitating that these infections reactivate and convert into an epigenetic disease, with various symptoms like a genetic variety of people. The reason why the diagnosis is so complex.

However, the real danger is in the proper infection and the disease complexity. Lyme sick people face a difficult path with no answers. The medical community is not habituated with this disease. The interest in advancing knowing better from it is just something that occurs to a few professionals.

The name by which Lyme is known speaks of its elusiveness to diagnosis: “the great mimic”. The symptoms are similar to other diseases, from arthritis to depression. Many patients receive Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis without treatment being efficacious. The delay in obtaining a diagnosis is fatal for those suffering from this pathology. If not treated with antibiotics in the Early Lyme first phase, the infection runs through the organism resulting in a Multisystemic Infection Syndrome, known as Chronic Lyme.

Lyme frequently produces an autoimmune situation rarely treated with immunosuppressants. Imagine what occurs when an organism with various active chronic infections receives an immunosuppressant. The patient worsens. It is already a suspect sign that it can be Lyme. We have to visit an expert.

Lyme disease phases

Lyme disease phases

Early Lyme: symptoms appear the first few days. The treatment is based on antibiotics functions. Diagnosing it at a time is crucial.

Early Lyme dissemination: manifested with symptoms that can be similar to flu, neurological, and muscular consequences.

Chronic Lyme: Known asMultisystemic Multi-infection Syndrome, a lot of organs and tissues are affected because of borrelia. It is aggressive and affects all organisms.

Lyme disease phases

A quiet epidemic in the globalised world

Lyme disease is present in 80 countries. The incidence grows progressively. It is one of the first epidemics of climate change and the European authorities alerted country members about the importance of establishing common criteria for the diagnosis.
There are comments that just in Europe they can be a million persons suffering the disease. However, it wasn´t until 2018 when neuroborreliosis was included in the diseases list under epidemiological surveillance from the EU. A uniform EU case definition was formally unveiled.

Lyme is one of the illnesses transmitted by vectors that grows fastly in Occident. In the United States, the incidence expanded in the last years to 400,000 new Lyme cases each year. Many of those are co-infections. In Europe, it has been confirmed a significant expansion of documented cases, overcoming 360,000 in the last 20 years. While in the UK, cases have multiplied by 10 since 2001. Asia also multiplies the incidence.

Lyme facts

Watch for ticks

The longer it stays a tick in the skin, the bigger the risk of transmission.

The danger of an infected tick

Tick nymphs are more dangerous and hard to identify. They have the size of a pinhead.

Coinfections in Lyme

The most common coinfections in Lyme are: Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Babesia, Bartonella, Rickettsia, Coxsackie, and Ehrlichia.

Accurate diagnosis of Lyme

A person sick of Lyme takes on average 2,5 years to obtain a real Lyme diagnosis.

Antibiotic treatments in Lyme

The antibiotic treatments work to stop the infection but not enough to heal patients.

Lyme transmission to the bloodstream

Lyme can be transmitted to the bloodstream. A pregnant woman can pass it to the fetus.

Lyme, an endemic disease

Lyme is an endemic disease in some European locations. Community authorities ask for a consensus about epidemiological and facultative criteria.