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Lyme disease in the world

Lyme disease is an endemic disease in North America and numerous locations in Europe, Asia, and of course, Spain. It exists in more than 80 countries all over the world. The OMS considers that it is one of the diseases most commonly transmitted by vectors.

However, all the figures can be inexact because Lyme is infra-diagnosed. There aren’t epidemiological criteria to care about it in countries or regions.

Climate change is one of the factors which worry the international community because of disease transmission. According to the Harvard Medical School Centre, in sixty years, the geographical locations with ticks will increase by 123 percent.

The OMS, in their article Ecosystems and Human Well-being, affirms that “trends like deforestation or climate change affect the insects carriers of diseases like malaria or Lyme”.

An immune system is increasingly deteriorating facilitating the disease maintenance that is more sick searching to heal.

In Europe, they estimate that nearly a million people live with Lyme, diagnosed or not. Also, the EU has the most affected locations by this pathology 40% of ticks can pass Lyme.

Central European countries have the most incidence: Germany, Austria, Chech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, Eslovenia, and Eslovaquia.

The most relevant international organisations of Lyme are


International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. A medical international society. Meets professionals to continue developing the results and treatment and establish some guidelines between all the physicians.

Lyme Disease Association

Association of patients which cover all United States territory. The organisation has more than 30 years. It is in this patient where the disease was found at first. There is much more activism to help people suffering from the disease.


International Lyme and Associated Diseases Educational Foundation. Foundation linked to the ILADS operates so that medical professionals can investigate and get specialized in Lyme disease.

Global Lyme Expert Group

An independent organisation built-in by the best European Lyme disease specialists.


A very active association from France is interested in all diseases transmitted by ticks. Is active in all French regions. Try to visualise the disease problem, the results problems, and the obtention of effective treatments by expert doctors.

Lyme Europe Tour

Project directed by Déborah Jublin, formed in naturopathy and that Lyme made her focus her life in the fight of this disease. Start a tour all over the European countries, collecting information about Lyme in each country. A personal, professional, and familiar, an admirable effort.

Lyme in Spain

Lyme disease is expanded worldwide following a pattern of endemic locations parallel to the distribution of the vector tick. In Spain, these ticks predominate in the middle northeast of the peninsula where climatic terrain, and the presence of animals are idoneous to continue. The majority of the economy is based on agricultural and livestock activities.

We are talking about Aragon, Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias, Basque Country, Navarre, La Rioja, and Castilla Leon. Further south they are only present in mountainous and humid areas.

Prevention Lyme disease
Recent observational and descriptive studies affirm that the current incidence of Lyme in Spain is 0,25 per each 100,000 inhabitants, higher in male (0,28 per each 100,000 inhabitants). Among autonomous communities, the highest results are registered in Asturias (1,98 per 100,000 inhabitants) and La Rioja (1,01 per 100,000 inhabitants). The provincial level is Lugo with the highest incidence (2,95 per 100,000 inhabitants) followed by Huesca (1,09 per 100,000 inhabitants). While in terms of gender, Lyme incidence is predominant in males, except for Huesca, where women are.
30 %

In terms of ages, 50% of the affected patients in Spain have more than 53 years

21 %

In terms of temporary distribution, it is higher in summer (31%)

Ixodes Ricinus tick distribution in Spain (fuente: ECDE)

Lyme disease in the world